Add Data to Vista

Upload Data to your Vista account

Open You should see the following prompt:

From here you can choose to SELECT FILES for loading into your map or select to load a session that has been shared with you.

Under the SELECT FILES menu you can select a file for adding to your map, upload a new file, or create folders to organise your files:

Data is supported as follows:

File TypeCoordinate Reference System


EPGS:4326 (WGS84)


Local mercator system (e.g., EPSG:2193)


Latitude / Longitude must be in EPGS:4326 (WGS84)

Ways to Add Data

  • Choose one of four ways to add data to your map:

Select a file(s) from your Vista account and "Load Map"

Add multiple files at once with "Add Another File" or by using the + Add Data option after adding an initial dataset

Add two files and "Calculate difference" to calculate the difference between two datasets (e.g., between two forecast modelled scenarios)

Calculate difference requires defining the common "Merge Attribute" between the two datasets, typically an ID column or similar.

Add a single file and select "Add charts"

Creates a chart at the centre of a zone polygon file. Select between either a bar chart or pie chart. Add the attributes that make up the chart.

All individual datasets can be loaded with an existing Map Configuration file.

Learn more about saving map configuration files.

Last updated