
Types of Layers


Point layers draw points for a given event or object based on its location - latitude and longitude.


Arc layers draw an arc between two points. They’re useful for visualising travel patterns or the distance between two points as well as comparing these in 3D. Note that arc layers don’t show routes between points. The tallest arc represents the greatest distance.

To draw arcs, your dataset must contain the latitude and longitude of two different points for each arc.

Layer Attributes: Colour/ Colour Based On, Opacity, Stroke Width/ Stroke Based On, High Precision Rendering


Line layers are the 2D version of arc layers. Both draw a line between two points to represent a travel pattern and distance, but in a line layer, the drawing lies flat on the map.

Layer Attributes: Colour, Stroke, High Precision Rendering


Hexbin aggregates points into hexagons. The counts can be represented through colour and/or height.

Layer Attributes: Colour/ Colour Based On, Filter by Count Percentile, Opacity, Hexagon Radius (km), Coverage (Radius), Enable Height, Elevation Scale/ Height Based On, High Precision Rendering


Heatmap is a graphical representation of data in which data values are represented as colours.

Layer Attributes: Colour, Opacity, Radius, Weight


Cluster layers visualize aggregated data based on a geospatial radius.

Layer Attributes: Colour, Cluster Size


Icon layers are a type of point layer. They allow you to differentiate between points by assigning icons to points based on a field. For example, you might use icons to differentiate between types of venues and points of interest.

Layer Attributes: Colour, Radius, Label, High Precision Rendering

To see the icon menu, create a new icon layer and click how to draw an icon layer:


Grids layers are similar to heatmaps. They show the density of points. They provide visual discrepancy in a map where multiple heatmap-style layers are present.

Layer Attributes: Colour, Radius, Height, High Precision Rendering


GeoJSON layers can display either paths, polygons or points. For example, a path GeoJSON layer can display data like road sections or trip routes. A polygon GeoJSON layer is essentially a choropleth layer and works best for rendering zone data. To add a GeoJSON layer, your dataset must contain geometry data.

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