Getting Started

Vista is a tool designed for geospatial data visualisation and analysis. This guide will help you get started creating visualisations.

1. Add Data

Vista will prompt you to add data to your map when you open the web page. You can upload your own CSV or GeoJSON file to your account under user defined folders, or choose one you've already uploaded.

Read more about adding data to Vista.

2. Add Layers

Open the Data Layers menu to start building your visualisation. Layers are simply data visualisations that can be built on top of one another. The map pictured above contains a GeoJSON layer showing road sections.

Layers of the same type can differ greatly in appearance depending on how they are configured.

Learn more about adding data layers.

3. Add Filters

Add filters to your map to limit the data that is displayed. Filters must be based on the columns in your dataset. To create a new filter, open the Filter menu and click Add Filter.

Learn more about filters.

4. Customise Map Settings

Change the settings on your map in the Interactions and Map menus. Customisation options include tooltips, brush highlighting, base map style, map imagery toggles and more.

Learn more about base map styles, interactions and map settings.

5. Share

Export an image or a dataset.

Share your map with others by generating a unique URL. Set a title and description for your map and select editable or read-only.

Save your map as a "Session" to come back to later.

Learn more about exporting and sharing.

Last updated