Save, Export and Share

Save Configuration

Vista allows you to save your map configuration and apply it to new datasets added to your map.

Saving the map configuration will save all your map customisations, including colour palettes, filters, interactions and map styles.

Note: Configurations should only be saved with a single dataset loaded into the map.

To apply the configuration to a new dataset, select the saved configuration file when adding data to the map:

Exporting and Sharing

The following export and sharing functions are accessed through the Share button

Export Image

You can export the current map as an image. The export window will use the current map viewport, and the preview will show the entire exported map area. To adjust the viewport, you will have to close the export dialog. You can choose different export ratios or resolutions, and also to add a map legend.

Export Data

You can export map data as a csv file, with the option to export ONLY the filtered data or the entire dataset.

Share URL

You can share the current map within your team or with stakeholders that do not have a Vista account.

The first page of the Share URL page contains a list of previously shared maps and the option to create a new shared map.

Clicking New map share or an existing map will bring up the following:

To share your current map click on Share Map URL. The pop up provides the following options:

  • Title: set a title for your shared map

  • Description: write a description for your map

  • Map Mode: select to allow users to read the map or edit the map. Read only disables the ability to customise the map (e.g., colour palette, filters, etc.)

  • Map password: Optionally set a map password to protect the shared map

  • Active: Set whether the share map link is accessible.

Clicking Generate URL will automatically generate a unique permalink for your work you can share with other users.

On the shared map, the title and description can be viewed by clicking the Show info button in the top right corner.


Sessions allow you to save your current map to come back to at a later date and continue adding data and layers.

You can save the current session, the the following options:

  • Name: Set the name of your session

  • Share type: Select a private or public session. A private session cannot be shared with anyone else. A public session can be shared with anyone with a Vista account. They will be able to open the session including loading the associated data.

Sessions can be returned to by clicking the "play" button on the right hand side of the session details.

Last updated